SKAMPI Testing

When it comes to deployments, please refer to ska-skampi-deployment for detailed information. In short, all we need is a functional Kubernetes cluster (with auxiliary components like metallb, externalDNS, SKA Tango Operator, etc) to deploy SKAMPI into and run tests.


To create a cluster locally (or even in a remote machine), please follow the Minikube deployment instructions.

Running tests in CI/CD pipelines (as shown below), might not be that interactive, but it is much easier to setup, minding the fact that using pipelines can only be done when targetting SKA managed clusters. Another way of running in-cluster tests in a more interactive way, is to use Binderhub, although this method still requires a valid kubeconfig.

Running tests in CI/CD pipelines

To avoid access requirements and all of the local setup, when testing remote clusters, we should use the CI/CD pipelines. To know in detail what job to select and what variables are available, please refer to :ref:_pipelines_main.

To trigger a test, you can simply trigger a pipeline of your desired branch in ska-skampi, and run the test job that you require.


After setting the required (KUBE_NAMESPACE is the only required variable), you simply click Run job to run the tests.

Running tests locally

To run tests locally, targetting any existing cluster, we need to make sure the following pre-conditions are met:

  • Valid Kubeconfig for the cluster and namespaces of interest

  • The ability to resolve the service FQDNS (i.e.,
    • If using a remote cluster, connect to the matching VPN

  • Python and poetry installed

  • kubectl, helm (and optionally k9s) installed


Regardless of the cluster, the access is done using a Kubeconfig - that grants and scopes the access you have to a Kubernetes cluster.For a remote cluster, you might not have a Kubeconfig file to use, due to access restrictions. Although, in SKAMPI, every on-demand deployment creates and exposes a valid Kubeconfig. For that, look for “Generate Kubernetes credentials” within the logs of the deployment pipelines. You download that to you local machine, and interact with the SKAMPI namespaces.

Afterwards, we can setup the local environment:

poetry shell
poetry install

Now, we configure and validate the access to the Kubernetes cluster:

export KUBECONFIG=<path to the kubeconfig of choice>
export KUBE_NAMESPACE=<skampi namespace>
kubectl describe ns -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE
kubectl describe ns -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE_SDP

Finally, we can selectively run the tests (by defining PYTEST_SUBSYS_MARK) targetting the environment, as follows:

# Example for PYTEST_SUBSYS_MARK: "(csp_startup or eda)"
# KUBE_NAMESPACE was exported above
CONFIG=<mid or low> PYTEST_SUBSYS_MARK=<mark selecting tests of your choice> make k8s-test-runner

This setup replicates the CI/CD jobs in what running the tests concerns.


To create a cluster locally (or even in a remote machine), please follow the Minikube deployment instructions.

SKAMPI Binderhub

If you navigate to Binderhub or Binderhub DP, depending on where your deployment is, you can now open this repository in Binderhub, with its custom image. It brings all of the Kubernetes interaction tools (i.e., kubectl, helm and even k9s), as well as the notebooks, along with pre-installed python dependencies for testing.

You also have access to the terminal, with git installed, if you ever need to commit changes from Binderhub.

To be able to run tests, we also need a Kubeconfig, that we can get from the SKAMPI pipelines. To set it up, you can:

mkdir -p ~/.kube
curl -L <url of with the kubeconfig> -o ~/.kube/config
kubectl get pods

Afterwards, we can run the tests from the Binderhub pod:

export KUBE_NAMESPACE=<skampi namespace>
CONFIG=<mid or low> PYTEST_MARK=<mark selecting tests of your choice> make k8s-test-runner