SKAMPI Test Pipelines


Information regarding deployment pipelines has been moved to ska-skampi-deployment.

This section focuses on testing pipeline for the SKAMPI suite of software products using the Gitlab CI Pipelines.

The first step into testing SKAMPI is to actually deploy it. You can follow the link above to know more about it. Also, both the deployment and testing of SKAMPI are meant to be supported in remote and local environments. If you have enough resources, you can setup your own Kubernetes cluster follwing the Minikube deployment instructions. Bear in mind that Gitlab CI pipelines is the recommended method since the deployment is usually faster and the clusters are configured to support SKAMPI requirements.

When dealing with the CI SKAMPI infrastructure it is important to distinguish between:

  • Branch and Merge Request (MR) pipelines (development)

  • Main Branch pipelines (integration)

  • Tag pipelines (publishing and staging)

The development pipelines uses the main pipeline in this repository to trigger tests targetting a test environment. As mentioned before, the deployment and testing of SKAMPI was split. This was done to facilitate the development-test cycle, as now developers can run multiple tests against a living environment, which will facilitate debugging of SKAMPI issues.

Depending on the contents of the tests, users can also trigger test pipelines in integration and staging environments, to quickly assess the overall health of the deployed system. If doing so, take consideration that the selected tests should not reconfigure the deployed components in a way that is destructive for other (even simultaneous) operations, as these can be long-lived environments.

When a branch is created in SKAMPI, to validate the test changes, we are triggering a pipeline in ska-skampi-deployment to deploy a test environment, run tests, and clean it up. This ensures that every change we do to the tests is tested against a fresh environment, to decouple test failure reasons form the state of the environment. Also, in merge request pipelines, we are running also tests against the integration environment. The intention of this process is to make sure our tests can be ran against new and long-living environments.

SKAMPI Tests Configuration

The SKAMPI repository folder structure at the time of this documentation is the following:


This follows standard SKAO practices: a notebooks folder, a tests folder, and a documentation folder, along with other non-standard resources. SKAO pipeline machinery can thus be used and the .gitlab-ci.yml file will include the following:

  # Linting
  - project: "ska-telescope/templates-repository"
    file: "gitlab-ci/includes/python-lint.gitlab-ci.yml"
  - project: "ska-telescope/templates-repository"
    file: "gitlab-ci/includes/notebook-lint.gitlab-ci.yml"

  # Tests
  - local: "/.gitlab/ci/test.gitlab-ci.yml"

  # Docs - only build as stress tests use 'public'
  - project: "ska-telescope/templates-repository"
    file: "gitlab-ci/includes/docs-build.gitlab-ci.yml"

  # .post steps
  - project: "ska-telescope/templates-repository"
    file: "gitlab-ci/includes/finaliser.gitlab-ci.yml"

Nonetheless some customizations are required. The .gitlab/ci folder incorporates the required templates to change the behaviour default pipeline machinery jobs. These were also included in the .gitlab-ci.yml file:

# Tests
- local: "/.gitlab/ci/test.gitlab-ci.yml"

This introduces the pipeline to run tests targetting a SKAMPI deployment. Currently, we have the following test jobs:

  • test-low - Run tests on the STFC cluster targetting a LOW deployment

  • test-mid - Run tests on the STFC cluster targetting a MID deployment

  • test-low-dp - Run tests on the STFC DP cluster targetting a LOW deployment

  • test-mid-dp - Run tests on the STFC DP cluster targetting a MID deployment

These jobs exist so that we can run tests using particular runners and a particular telescope - mid or low. Now, one can run a test on either of these jobs manually, targetting any deployment. Any of these jobs runs the exact same code, and we can make use of the following environment variables:

  • KUBE_NAMESPACE - Kubernetes namespace to target

  • CONFIG - Telescope selection, mid or low

  • PYTEST_MARK - Mark (default) for the full telescope test set

  • PYTEST_SUBSYS_MARK - Custom mark expression to select subsystem tests from the whole set (anded with PYTEST_MARK)

  • PYTEST_COUNT - Number of times the tests will run

Make sure that you set the secret variables in the Makefile (preferably, in PrivateRules.mak):






Note that not all of this variables are required. Other variables, like KUBE_NAMESPACE_SDP, TANGO_HOST or HELM_RELEASE are automatically generated by the Makefile. There are other variables we can set to modify the tests procedures. To know more about those, take a look at the and the Makefile of the project.

This streamlining of the pipelines makes sure that we have stable inputs to the testing pipelines. New jobs might be added in the future to allow other clusters’ environments to be tested.